Machine Tool Sales Division
All " Things creation" starts from Machine Tools.
Cars, Aircrafts, Electric appliances, Smart Phone, all familiar industrial products are made by machine tools. Modern society are based on by those machine tools we handle.
As a specialized trading company of the machine. We identify problems of the manufacturing and work to solve together.
At first please talk with us.
The most suitable suggestion in response to a request
We make suggestion made from the longtime results in the situation of the visitor
We try to understand the objectives of the user and manufacturing and cope with on site needs, propose solution.We believe the reality starts from after machine delivery.How well you can utilize the machine, make profits by reducing no good ratio and achieve total efficiency of the total plant, not just the delivered machine. That is how you can deepen relationship with customer.That is how you can make long time customer since our company started.
The choice of the tools which including precision manufacturing
High speed, high precision processing
Follow up after machine delivery
Leave it to us.
We promise to become a good partner with customer.
Introduction of IoT・Study Support
The way of the manufacturing has definitely started to change by those digital evolution such as Iot, (the Internet of Things) big data, AI and Robots, the 4th generation Industrial Revolution.We make proposal to maxmize the use of Iot etc., For the customers of " Things creation", it has become necessary to most adopt and utilize IoT etc. under the intensified work force shortage and to improve production efficiency and to create new value with advanced products and services.We will provide a total package of proposal with a view of the future.
So, at first, please talk to us.
Overseas advance support of the Japanese-affiliated company

We are working with the Japanese affiliated companies in the US, China and Asia. We are consulting for the companies who are considering to export machines and facilities to those markets.
We promise follow up after machine delivery.
We promise the long time relaitionship with customer.

We support customer with responsibility as West Japan authorized dealer. The engineers of each machine Manufacturer handle troubles speedily through us. We sell all kind of tools for the machine.We propse the best plan and supply..
More specifically, refer to the Tooling Division.
Delivery results
Deliveries:Number of caompanies whom we delivered machine tools: 136
▼Please feel free to contact us.

TEL. 082-271-8777 / FAX. 082-271-4811
Business hours / from 8:30 to 17:30 (except Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)