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Company information

Representative greetings

Thank you very much for being always granted favor with all of you.
As the corporate philosophy which was consistent since its formation in 1929 "breakthrough" otsuratsuitemairimashita.
There were the early fiber business, the postwar low current, the machine business of the period of the high growth of economy and the business change, but thanks for having had light of your countenance of with development of the Japanese economy.
Today after half a century, the world reached the times of the violent change again. I vary from a uniform production method to the making of thing which can support the market. As I will make an effort to compile individual expertise of Sakurai into one book, and to help an approach, all of you, it is all right continuously, and I would like favor.
Representative director Yasuo Sakurai

▼Please feel free to contact us.

Sakurai machine
TEL. 082-271-8777 / FAX. 082-271-4811
Business hours / from 8:30 to 17:30 (except Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)
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