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Chronological details


With the request of 7 machine tools manufacuteres who were about to move into metalworking machine tools from
textile machine in 1960 when Japan was to start the high growth economy, we founded the new company with their
capital participation.
At that time we were running high quality die making operation and producing telegraphic communication parts.  
We also had long time experiances in sales and technical devlopment of textile machine.  
This confidence helped us to enter into this new undertaking.


Our technical staffs went to Okuma and other manufactures to learn from assembly to try out of the machine tools. 


We had businesss relationship with Toyo Kogyo (Mazda) from post war days. We received the order for creating mass production line for automobile components production and  we succeeded in creating the mass productin line by combining the general purpose machines in process order.With cooperation of transfer machine mnufacturers, we succeeded in installing early stage robotic transfer line.This was later utiliezed in the machining of Rotary engine parts. 


We were No.1 or top ranking seller of Okuma machine. After oil crisis, sale of machine tools in West Japan dropped significantly. We had real concern in the sale of traditional machine tool sale. So, we started importation of rationalization deveices. Went to Europe 17 times a year and expanded the markets to the US and Asia.


With the back up of Mr. Takeo Okuma (then president of Okuma) and with the request of Mr. Inamori (then president of Kyocera), we contributed and worked together to the development of new cutting tools.We participated in the development by delivering them to the users for testing and helped them to increase machining parts. Company M was exporting the pick up truck  "Courier" to company F those days and Head of production Engineering was particularly concerned with cost reduction. The tools proved successful.It tooks good 10 years to become profitable.


Company M Design Center asked for the cooperation to improve the model creation tools they had bought from US companies. We succeeded in the development of dramatically effetive model creating machine. 


Started overses business so as not to be affected by the domestic economics. All direct trade. The layout measuring equipment, world first of its kind was very well accepted and contoributed greatly for reducing work time for model creation.
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